REDAWN Webinar 2: Microhydropower in water networks - technical, institutional, policy case studies (prerecorded)
REDAWN Webinar 2: Microhydropower in water networks - technical, institutional, policy case studies (prerecorded)
Event Date:
Thursday 5 November 2020
Our second Autumn webinar event used existing case studies and demonstration plants to review the potential benefits of recovering energy in water networks and the social, institutional, and political challenges to implementing this in the EU.
The session was led by Dr Aonghus McNabola (Trinity College Dublin)
- Energy recovery in drinking water networks – learnings from our French demonstration site (Yves Cabaret, SMPGA)
- Case studies – barriers and opportunities in the institutional, policy, and social context in the EU (Dawn Murphy, Action Renewables)
Click here for event details and speaker profiles
Recordings are available to watch on the REDAWN YouTube Channel