WP7: Pilot Demonstrations
WP7: Pilot Demonstrations
Work package 7: Pilot Demonstrations
The objective of WP7 is to validate the capability of MHP systems to consistently recover renewable energy from a broad cross-section of WDNs, with particular focus on the sectors targeted in the REDAWN project. Specific objectives include: i) construction of scale demonstration MHP pilot representative of 3 water industry sites selected from across the AA; ii) monitoring performance and viability of each site; iii) feedback of on-going results to the design guidance team in WP5; iv) optimisation of the performance and output from each site; and v) analysis of the specific non-technical challenges pertaining at each site, including social, environmental, economic, policy and governance issues. Each site will also be the basis of a case study for which data, media and other information will be gathered for input to WP2: Communication.
The 3 scaled demonstrations shall cover the irrigation, process industry and waste/storm water sectors. This WP will be led by IST with the assistance of sub-task leaders TCD, Hidro and FAEN. Other partners (Feragua, Napoli, and AR) will contribute to individual pilots and overall system designs. Associate partners NI Water and Renova SA will facilitate the scale demonstrations with detailed site and technical information.
WP7 - Scale Demonstration Pilots outputs
REDAWN delivered four demonstration plants which demonstrated the capability of MHP systems to consistently recover renewable energy from a broad cross-section of water distribution networks. The monitored and optimized performance of these demonstration plants are reported. The non-technical opportunities and challenges, including social, environmental, economic, policy and governance issues, are disseminated as they will help inform future installations.