WP4: Energy Recovery Resource Assessment
WP4: Energy Recovery Resource Assessment
Work package 4: Energy Recovery Resource Assessment
WP 4 will comprise the compilation of an energy recovery resource assessment for water networks in the AA. Given that water networks contain excess pressure at various points across the territory, this WP will produce an assessment which quantifies the energy available for MHP technology to exploit. This will be completed as a GIS database of energy resources for public water supply networks, waste/storm networks, irrigation networks, and private water-intensive industry.
The procedure will be conducted by gathering available data on the existing water infrastructure. MHP energy recovery can be conducted at pressure reducing valves (PRV), storage reservoirs, break pressure tanks, treatment works, control valves etc. Therefore the location of these components of the water network in the AA will be determined together with information on flow and excess pressure at each location to enable assessment of the energy resources. By way of example of the extent of available infrastructure, the Welsh area of the AA contains over 3000 PRVs, illustrating the very large potential for this technology.
WP4 will be led by Trinity, overseeing the overall assessment. Partners in each of the regions will contribute to the data collection. The partnership will obtain data covering the entirety of the AA from in-house resources, associate partners and informal contact. Data from France will be obtained through contacts in French water companies.
WP4 - Energy recovery resource assessment outputs
REDAWN has produced and quantified the energy resource potential of water networks across the Atlantic Area (AA). The figure to the right shows the extrapolated energy recovery potential estimated for MHP for the whole AA region. An interactive app has been developed to showcase the results of the project which include activities about the energy recovery potential in water networks in the AA. More detailed information is available in the WP4 report on micro-hydropower resource assessment in the Atlantic Area, which can be downloaded as PDF here.
An interactive app has been developed to showcase the results of the project which include activities about the energy recovery potential in water networks in the AA.
Click here to access the app or follow this link: https://www.redawn.eu/WP4app