Open Day at our Demonstration Site in Andalucia
Open Day at our Demonstration Site in Andalucia
In May 2019 REDAWN organised an open day and site visit to our demonstration site in Andalucia to see our innovative micro-hydro technology in action in Irrigation networks
Partners joined us for our open day and visit our REDAWN project pilot plant, which pioneers the recovery of valuable energy lost in irrigation water networks. Which gave the opportunity to meet with members of the project team and discuss the project.
This event demonstrated technology that recovers part of the energy lost in irrigation networks through the use of hydraulic microturbines (PAT) that take advantage of the excess pressure in the network to generate energy, allowing us to save resources and improve the sustainability of the water and irrigation sector.
The highly sucessful day included a visit to the facilities of Nueces de Calonge to meet this important company that has opted for the technical challenges and the expected benefits of the project. To end the day, over lunch we meet our Spanish partners, FERAGUA, FAEN and the University of Córdoba and discussed the project in more detail.
This event highlighted work from the REDAWN research project ( REDAWN aims to improve the energy efficiency of water networks through the installation of innovative micro-hydropower technology. This technology will recover wasted energy in existing pipe networks across irrigation, public water supply, process industry, and waste-water network settings.
This project, brings together 15 partners from 5 countries on the Atlantic coast, has a budget of 2.9 million Euros and is financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area program through the European Regional Development Fund.