Partner visit to HELab facility, Naples
Partner visit to HELab facility, Naples
Event Date:
Thursday 11 October 2018
UNINA, Italy
Link to Website:
All partners from the REDAWN project visited the HeLab Facility at University of Naples Federico II autumn 2018.
The Hydro Energy Laboratory (HELab) is a unique third party laboratory for hydro-mechanical group qualification test, included in the new standard EN16480, according to directives 2005/32/EC and 2009/125/EC. The lab is provided with three test rig for pumps of different size, motor and groups. An automatic control system allow fast measurements of all, hydraulic, mechanical and electric parameters. HELab competencies refer to electro-pump effociency, energy production, fluid mechanics, prototipation and tecnology transfer.
The laboratory is managed by Professor Armando Carravetta, one of our REDAWN partners.